
Saturday, 6 July 2013

Non-working day -_-

I came to work this Saturday even though it wasn't an official work day. I only found out when I got there. I guess, I misunderstood because people here work all hours of every day of the week, and the fact that my previous internship had a 6-day work week. Well, good for next week - I'll be able to visit more places.

I took a different road today as well, but it was too sunny and I had to walk up and down so many times ;;;;;;-_- It was very hot as well. They say Kumamoto is the hottest, but I see no difference between   it and Tokyo. It's seriously むしあつい here as well. Maybe not as むし but certainly あつい.

I stayed half the day at work trying to figure out the requirements for the competition. I had to manually translate all the names of the required areas. Lots of new words like 相互 (そうご)and 倉造(そうぞう), 性能(せいのう) and 採用(さいよう), and on and on. Kinda like this:

After I got home I could finally do some housework. I went to the nearest grocery store (Kinokuniya on 青山通り) that turned out to be soooooo expensive. I think I'm going to stick to コンビニ food from now on.

Tomorrow I want to go to Omotesando, since it's really close by. Also, Tokyo station has lots of famous architecture around it, so I might go there first. Aah, so many places to see, so little time... Good thing I have 3 more weekends to look around.

Very european looking building on my way from the store. It was so shiny and at the same time fuzzy - the picture doesn't look like the original at all. Tomorrow I hope to have fancier pictures to post.

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